

Friday, November 11, 2011

The SMUgger mode ON.

It's the start of Hell Week. I seek peace in you Lord.

Taken yesterday morning after rushing Chapter 3 of MS from 5+am. Ya. That's how crazy.

It's 11.11.11 today. I am so distracted now cos I wanna catch 11:11 11.11.11. Hehs. Hmms. The boy is gonna leave 1 month and 2 weeks from now. Truly speaking, I am really scared. I am so scared that I became really sensitive when it comes to this topic. I think I may not want to go on an exchange anymore. What if the boy got an overseas internship straight after his exchange and I go on an exchange next semester. I can't bear the pain of not being with him for a year. Sorry to say... But I have grown too attached to him and I am really scared now. Probably I won't feel so scared and sad if he were to go on an exchange this semester. *sighs*

Two different lives in 2 different time zone.

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