

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's the end I suppose

Exam's over. It's the start of holidays and I felt... Not a least bit excited about it.

Countdown... 26 days left btw. I am pretty much pessimistic this time round. Last year, right now, I am probably very excited about this holiday and about all the upcoming activities. I was so glad that I have so many things to do every single day. Looking forward to every single precious moment of my long awaited rest. Aww. Probably a combination of everything last year. This time round... I am probably focusing more on the hole than the donut again.

I don't know how I fare for this exam. But I have great friends around that helped me through the whole nightmare. Couldn't thank Jasmine, Samuel and Zhitang enough for discussing the corp exam papers with me. &&also Huihui, who is my study partner for almost a month and my all-time study mate ever since I entered SMU. She's always there to remind me of the important dates and helped me so much in the planning for BOSS bidding. It's fun studying with the irritating boyfriend too. He loves to make lots of irritating noises and try to irritate the hell out of me, try to distract me by taking lots of nap and be on social media so much-.- He's smart and I am not. So yup. He's totally training my tolerance but I am proud to say that I wasn't distracted. I had a much more balanced revision timetable when I am with him. Haha. This won't happen again for the coming semester. I am just very thankful for everyone around me. I really hope it won't be a nightmare on 16 Dec. Please make my decision to reject the exchange offer worth it:(

Don't know what to expect this holidays. I took out and fiddled with my Canon baby the moment I reached home after my last paper on Tuesday. But no use for him for the time being. Don't know what should I take. Just wanna touch him a lil. Tues night till now is just rounds and rounds of reading. I miss reading so so so much. Finally get to finish up the book that Moonjun intro me. Next, I gonna finish up all the remaining Dan Brown books that Deryl lent me. Of course not forgetting all the financial and business news, my Fortune magazines, Times. So much to read. So lil time.

Met besties for dinner and You Are The Apple Of My Eye just now. So touching. I cried towards in the end. It didn't remind me of my secondary school days but everything that was portrayed in the movie is so true. But I didn't dislike the movie cos it doesn't have a happy ending. In fact it shouldn't have. That'll be really unrealistic. I really wonder what if parallel universe really exists. I'll probably much happier in that universe. We came across so many crossroads in our lives. What if we had taken a different route then? What will become of us now? Will we be happier? Hmms. Anyway, the boyfriend who thought this movie was lame is watching with his buddies now too. TSK.

Finally collected my preordered Jay chou cd after MS paper(the 2nd paper).
The song that I cried to many times.

嘜嘜 你嘜擱嘜擱偷偷離開
嘜嘜 你嘜擱嘜擱偷偷離開
嘜驚 我不會放你一人治那

嘜吶 你雨傘雨傘趕緊打開
嘜吶 你雨傘雨傘趕緊打開
嘜鬧 落大雨你淋雨我艱苦


Baby, you are mine mine

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