

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The dark clouds

Didn't get to sleep well last night cos my stomach was so bloated. Grhh.Woke up early to have medicine. Love and I decided to go new creation church today. My stomachache(not diarrhoea though) was getting worse before I left the house so I swallowed double the dosage which made me feels so drowsy): But it really feels great to be in the house of Lord after 2 weeks. Skipped church last Sunday cos of food poisoning.I really did felt better after service today. I think I feel more relax after church or maybe Daddy God heard my prayers? I really feel much better now. Hopefully there will be no more stomachache(I am not feeling it now!!^^) by tomorrow. If not I can't enjoy Xiting's birthday lunch): The gastric flu have really spoilt too many plans. Haish. 1 more week till the boyfriend leaves for exchange. The night boyfriend leaves marks the end of my holidays too. I will start preparing my materials to study and 27th morning will be the start of crazy mugging. I can't afford to lose again. I hate that quietness when the boyfriend is no longer around too. I'll be fine. I just need studies to occupy all my free time.

Just had the porridge mummy cooked. With my condition now, I can't go anywhere to chill alone. Scared that my stomach will start to cramp again. Boyfriend's out with his pals. Hmms. Don't feel like reading today. Mummy is watching Alvin&thechipmunks and kept shouting Alvin. Lol...

Oh ya. Whenever the boyfriend and I goes to New Creation Church, Pastor Prince is always away and we always queued for super long for the service at Rock auditorium. Sighs. But we usually go to Aldersgate.

P.S. Boyfriend is officially an iPhone user now. No more BB for him
P.P.S. My BB has been switching off by itself due to lack of battery but no prior warnings for umpteen times:(
P.P.P.S. I love my iPad2 now cos I can randomly iMessage ppl like Huihui who will send me their photos in PJs.

I like everything beautiful

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