

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Living a life on my own all over again

Photos from boyfriend's mum's iPhone taken before we set off to the airport:

With the boy's family
With his Godma Evelyn
My puffy and swollen eyes and face...

I am constantly trying to calculate the time over in London so I could picture what love is doing every single minute. I think I might start going crazy soon thinking of him. I deliberately wake up earlier today so that I can still catch him on iMessage or FaceTime before he went to bed. London is 8 hours behind Singapore so I guess morning in Singapore is probably the best time to talk to him cos he will most likely be back to his friend's hostel by then. Woke up at 5+am(9+pm London time), nothing from the boyfriend, sleep. Woke up at 6+am(10+pm London time), still nothing, sleep. Finally woke up by the alert on my iPad at around 8am(12 am London time)! Yay! My heart totally skip a beat and I jolt out of bed and brush my teeth before seeing love's face on FaceTime. Aww. That totally cheers me up even though I only get to talk to me for a meagre of less than 12 mins:( Every single minute communicating with him now is so precious. It's 1.27am(5.27pm London time) now. Probably gonna wake up at the same few timings to catch him on iMessage. I miss you so badly baby!

At Doha airport waiting for transit. Had a really short conversation but happy to see him.
 At friend's hostel in London:

I know I no longer has somebody around to help me with my schoolwork, to help me with school/scholarship matters, to cook for me, to dry my hair for me, to help me carry heavy stuff, to make milo for me, to wipe my tears away and hear me out when I am sad and the list goes on and on... I am trying to be really positive and brave now. Settled some stuff on my own. He is too far away and with the different timezones, I guess the boyfriend couldn't help me as much as he loves to. I need to get things done myself and prepare for a whole new semester without him. Truly speaking, this scares the hell out of me. It just feel so empty without him around. I felt that I am alone. I spent the entire year with him and he's not there now. It just upset me too much. I don't know why. He changed me a whole lot this year and I am probably less independent now. I mean I still appear to be really independent to my family but in actual fact I have began to rely on love in a lot of tiny things in life. I am trying to pick up all the things I have lost and lead a whole new life this coming semester. I am really scared now.

Hmm. Today is pretty much okay. I spent my whole afternoon chilling at Novena Starbucks and read Steve Jobs' Biography.
Don't know why, the interactions between Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak reminds me a lot of the boyfriend and Beng. They have great similarities in their interests, mindset, style of working, personalities,... The latest incident will probably be at the airport. Both of them gave the same comments on the rotating flower fan at T3 at different times. "I don't understand what is this useless thing doing there? It don't serve any purpose!" They say the same thing at different times. I guess that was the first time I felt something really different about them. Haha. They really think the same way. I wonder if I can ever meet someone who think the same way as me. Nothing complicated though.

Met bro in the evening to shop around. Talked to him so much today that I think I am going to lose my voice. Meeting Weiqi tomorrow and Chmel on the 3rd!^^

Short updates on the festive season...

Both my Christmas eve and Christmas were spent largely with love. 24th early morning we caught Sherlocks Holmes with boyfriend's parents. Did a last minute Christmas shopping to find baby Ethan a birthday present. We bought me a cutesy hand puppet:D

The whole afternoon was largely spent to pack love's luggage again before setting off to boyfriend's aunty's house for a Christmas barbecue dinner. I like love's family. So friendly and makes me feel really at home.

We only reached Weiqi's house at midnight and it was really quiet this year. It feels... Kinda sad but we enjoyed that short company we had as we countdown to Christmas.

25th morning we went to Aldersgate in the morning with boyfriend's family for Christmas service and to visit baby Ethan after that. Uncle Alvin wants to see his precious lil Ethan before he embark on his Europe trip. Baby Ethan is really a very lovable boy:DD We went to visit his grandma before going to Yiyang's house for Christmas gathering. They are really a nice and fun bunch of people to hang out with:)

We left early though so that we can go shop around and hunt for the best Cha Kuey Tiao(love's craving for it). We then went to Angelina's house for Christmas dinner and gift exchange. Her parents bought this automatic mahjong table which is really fascinating. && I guess Christmas is probably the only time of the year that I can have so much fun playing boardgames cos it'll only be fun if more people are playing. I have nobody to play boardgames with on a normal day:( Angelina's gift was the highlight of the day as usual and Yuankai is yet again the lucky one. But we got to admit that this year, her gift is really not too bad. Very creative. It's a pity that Xiting couldn't made it that night.

Okayokay. Time check. It's 2:10AM(6:10PM London time) now. I gonna crash before waking up at like 5+ to catch love before he goes to bed. Goodnight folks!

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