

Friday, January 20, 2012

Where's the party vibes?

How I miss those eyes~

Haven't been wearing my favorite lenses for the longest time cos the boyfriend didn't like them. Oh. && he has something against girls with thick eyeliner too. LOL. Weird. Just feel like dressing up for school even for an 8.30am lesson yesterday morning and I reached school earlier than usual. Haha. The good old times. I love my wavy hair.

Ethics lesson was alright. It's the textbook that is puke provoking. Haha. Lunch with Huihui@Iciban Boshi after ethics lesson. All thanks to love's discount card. 
 It's gonna expire before he comes back so he passed it to me instead.

Happy Huihui with the menu!

Huihui and her beautiful background. LOL.

Iciban Boshi's specialties@Centrepoint. It's really delicious!<3 Worth going back again.
 My fav Unagi.


Last night I was too busy preparing for tax class today. It's always so tedious but it's always good to be consistent and I am so happy that Prof Khoo actually recorded his lessons and upload them for us! He is the first prof to do this in all the classes that I have attended so far. It helps a lot in improving my confidence for class part. Ultimate hogging tax class part whore is me now.

Talked a lil with love this morning. Look at how tired he was. I was very tired this morning too cos I only slept at around 1.30am. Spent the whole night revising tax:O I woke up at 6+am to reply his Whatsapp and requested to sleep for another hour before he Whatsapp me again to say he's gonna sleep. So no choice gonna drag myself out of bed straight away. Haven't been talking to him much actually. He said he wanted to rant but he didn't. I guess he was too tired. Hope he made it through Deutsche Bank's final interview!

Today I am a busy bee. Busy bee is me.

Don't smile?

Better with a smile?

Read MPW in the morning as I was scared that my tuition my drag or I will have to do more preparation for the ungraded project presentation tomorrow. Had tax class and rushed to tuition after that. My part for the presentation turns out to be sooooo short. How am I supposed to squeeze a question out for HH to ask me?!

I am feeling better now. Shopping, talking to many people, make plans with friend(s) and adapt the more nonchalent attitude towards talking to the boyfriend helps. I just couldn't adapt cos it's not here nor there. I am not exactly single but am I truly attached? Insecurities acting up is just killing me from inside. I have been talking to a lot of people lately. It just reveals more and more about how realistic this society is. All the fairytale-like relationships may not actually end with a happy ever after. It kinda killed all the small lil hopes I have that such r/s actually exists. Too much complications and too much differences are involved. Hmms. Shall not harp on that anymore. Secretly hope things will turn out great for them. I was talking to love about this and he related that to us again. But this time round there's really not much grounds for comparison. We are really lucky in this aspect. He is so such a down-to-earth and realistic chap so... No complains for that even if it equates to 没情趣. LOL. Le sighs.

I am in an ultra festive mood. All the loots within a day. I can catch 3 items in merely less than 5-10 minutes. <3HVV. I want to start going for hiphop lessons too! Luckily I found someone to go with. Hope the vacancies don't get snapped by the time we go to register next week! *excited*  ^^

&&anyway, I really wanna catch Dash Berlin@zouk next Mon. Sighsighs. Where are all the party people??? I haven't club for a year. From clubbing a few times every week to not anymore since a year ago. &&I don't have anyone to go with anymore. So sad. #foreveralone

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