

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yuankai's 21st @Goodwood Park Hotel

Went to Yuankai's 21st birthday party @ Goodwood Park Hotel on 21st July 2012^^

Le birthday boy in the background not yet changed into his suit.

Weiqi all disheveled after collecting the cake, directing the guests into the hotel room and organizing the caterers.

Beautiful helium balloons fitting our casino theme.

Yuankai's Burberry jeans for the night

Ivan's way of trying to get Xiting in the photo too. Haha.

Very unique caterer. Interesting finger food and they really take pride in the presentation of the food.

Ian and me:) Haven't seen him for a long time!

View from the bedroom on the 2nd level. So pretty!

Happy Xiting with her food!

The birthday boy is finally changed(probablu half-changed without his shoes) in his AX shirt and Burberry jeans but running around for don't-know-what-reason in his slippers.

Ivan Goh with his huge Canon 5D.

Le birthday boy doing his final touch up before coming down to meet his guests.

This one look too much like a wedding shot, HAHA. But that's his bestbestfriend-Kaizhong.

Us with the birthday boy^^V

I seldom attend birthday parties and this is 2nd 21st party I attended this year(the first one was Angelina's<3). It's nice that Yuankai's birthday is right smack in our summer holidays. My life is so dull that I was actually pretty happy to have a party to attend and help out with. I did the nice guestbook:) But I forgot to take a shot of it:(

I really enjoyed Yuankai's 21st. I was soooo happy to be able to catch up with so many of them. Ivan, Suqin, Ian,... I haven't seen them for the longest time and I chatted so much with them during the few hours there. I am so glad that most of them are doing well and are starting to have some goals in life. Uni year-2-going-on-year-3 makes me feel so old. And being attached for so long makes me feels old times 2. When one is single, one feels really lonely and feel that being attached makes your life more complete, keeps you occupied and etc... It's the complete reverse now cos I seem to have more free time than ever before. Weird but true.

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