

Friday, October 26, 2012

Growing up

That's what I always see on my Blogger reading list. Magenta's wedding preparation and A&W's progression to a marriage life. Then I'll start to think... where's mine? I think I am the most skeptical girlfriend and unsatisfied girlfriend ever. I'll think that nothing's certain. We might not end up together in future so please don't plant happy images in my brain. Or from how our career paths are going to be like in future, $2,700 starting pay, when will we ever save enough for a house and a wedding? I never thought that money was a MAJOR problem until I was talking on the train with a junior the other day. He was telling us how he will be applying for an exchange to Taiwan instead of US or Europe cos that will put him in further debt. From how he work out his future finances, he definitely will not have sufficient money to get married before 30. He said that girls our age are immature, just living the life and don't plan far and blahblahblah... Of course I argued back like how I always did when guys their age tell us that (he is one academic year younger than me but one year older than me in terms of age). Things will work out when we grow older. Take up housing loans and whatsoever. I see a lot of sec schoolmates getting married these few years when they are just one year older than me. Where did they get all the money when their family is not well off? As long as we have a stable job when we graduate, everything will work out. Hmm... I was still firm on my stand until lately...

I have never ever give serious thought about what will happen when the boyfriend's and my career paths crossed in the future cos he never wanted to do what I wanted to do. But recently, he made up his mind. We had a heated discussion over that. But seriously, if I were him, I'll take up that offer. When we started work, we need to pay off our study loans fast, give parents allowance, save up for wedding and all. I'll think we need more money when we just started work. Well oh well. I am not him. He is not me. So I won't interfere much in his choices. In terms of prestige and pay, I'll definitely pick the better one. I'll want to marry early, then enjoy a few years of couple life together before having kids. & now it seems like we need to earn a whoooooole lot of money before we can have kids and give them the best. All these thoughts finally make me understood how couples may have combine income of $12k but still think that it's insufficient to have kids. #singaporeanwoes

Back to reality!

I just wish we acted more like couples our age now and go on happy dates together, do nonsense things together, surprise me by picking me up and stuff. Life's too stable. && guys as usual, enjoy that kind of stability. But I am still 21, I need some fun in my life badly. I really can't wait to apply for exchange now. I really envy couples who can go on exchange together. Boyfriend kept saying how he will visit me when it's my turn. But after looking at the nature of his job. I doubt he can do so. Haha. I am not having any hopes on that cos it'll be disappointing. That's me. I'll always prepare myself for the worst.

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