

Saturday, March 23, 2013


This week has been a really busy and fulfilling week!


Bloc Party with Alvin, Brendan, Tiffany and friends :) I have never heard of them before Alvin mentioned to me that he bought the tickets to their concert. But Alvin will never buy tickets to a concert that he isn't sure if it is good; so that must be really good! Overall they play really good music! And the lead singer is sooooo clear and nice! I love UK accent but it can be quite hard to catch what they are singing if there's is raps and all. Haha. So far I haven't load their songs on my Note II or iPad since the boyfriend say that we have to enjoy and remember the good live music while it lasts. Playing it from a music player can never sound as good as it is live!

While waiting for Brenden:

I really look super tired without makeup on a school night :/ 

It was the first concert that I attended at Fort Canning. It was quite a good experience given that the crowd is not as big as crazy as SHM or what. They are all diehard fans (mostly 24 years old and above). The only thing I hate about this outdoor concert is that everyone was just smoking as and when they like. It's impossible to not take in all those secondhand smoke:(


Huihui and I went to try Arcade fish soup! I have been wanting to try that since everyone was raving about it during internship times and I tried 3 times queueing for it and failed cos the queue is crazy and there were no seats at all! >:| BUT. I was soooo utterly disappointed. The only thing special about the fish soup is the Si Chuan veg and ginger that they include in the soup; WHICH I HATED! And the environment is a total turn off when we are carrying our bags and heavy laptops. It's so stuffy too. If the food is really that good I probably won't complain about the environment but this is really super disappointing :( Can't wait for our Good Hawker Food day again next week. Hope Har Kee (not sure how to spell) Amoy fish soup will be much better! ^^ Anw, I felt quite happy to meet some familiar places around the CBD area though I look super tired.


Tried one of the restaurants featured during the Restaurant Week this year for the first time thanks to the boyfriend's parents. The boyfriend's mum made a reservation with Michealangelo's due to the Amex offer and probably their early wedding anniversary celebration. Left the house in a rush cos the boyfriend's lesson ended so much earlier and my whole makeup plan failed. Ended up creating a mess on the table and bed all strewed with my eyeshadow palette and stuff but failed to experiment with anything:( Hate it when I plan to do something and the timing screws up. Sighs. But never mind, it's not as though I am doing anything special after that. No one is going to see me. Just had some light makeup on and vroom~~

The boyfriend busy Instagram-ing and hashtagging his yummy plate of calamari appetiser: 

Heard that they are famous for the pork ribs and the boyfriend decided to try this: 

I ordered this 48 hour stewed beef. Really light and perfect for dinner for me! ^^ Don't like heavy dinners. This cost $44 or $64 ala carte if without Restaurant Week's promotion. It is super yummy and really unique but I won't get this on a normal day. Haha. Go for the pork ribs!

Boyfriend ordered Creme Brulee as dessert.

Tiramisu for me! This is really good! Probably the best tiramisu I had! It's not too cheesy and the cream isn't that thick. Just nice I feel! Love the coffee powder :)

Overall, the dinner is really good. I am now more open to food choices. Just hope that I won't gain back those weight I 'accidentally' lost during internship and the bad flu. It's quite nice to be hovering around the underweight BMI again and to be able to wear crop tops without feeling disgusting and fat (just that I don't have abs cos I don't exercise). BUT, I have to admit that I am really need some muscles. I am finally thin but flabby. That's still not ideal:/

It's coming to the end of March and that screams my 22nd birthday that is coming very soon.

I have been wanting to blog about what I want for my birthday since Monday but I was too busy to do so. && my lovely friends have asked me what I want. But I still just want to put them down. Haha. It's gonna be a simple affair again this year! I will be celebrating with the boyfriend on 2nd April hopefully, together with our 2nd anniversary (don't know why I feel like we are together for a super long time already but it's only coming to 2 years?). && 3rd or 4th April with my BFFs:DD

1) Chanel Silver Swarovski Crystal Earrings 

Not a labels kind of girl but a classic pair of Chanel earrings can last me a long time and it goes well with everything! Just like the pearl earrings boyfriend's mum bought me for my 21st birthday. It has been my interview lucky earrings ever since. Vintage Chanel earrings are more yummy but too way out of our reach. So I thought it will be quite nice to have that, especially when I will be going out to the workforce soon. Well, in another year's time.

2) Jeffery Campbell Shoes

I wish I can own one of them. But it's quite impractical since I always aim to dress comfortably to go to school and I don't really go out anymore. Passed the dating stage, kinda far from friends at the moment and not much plans during weekends:( But it's still a good-to-have. I will totally start collecting them when I start working ;)

3) Pandora Charms

I have been looking for this Big Ben charm for a long time! It was said to be out of stock at all stores in Singapore. I am not sure if it is available now but it's definitely one I will add to my Pandora collection. Each charm has to symbolise something for my bracelet! I couldn't get this anywhere and hence I chose the Enamel London Bus to replace this for my fond memories in UK :)

4) Sephora vouchers

I love love love Sephora. Sephora vouchers will come in handy for me anytime :)

Tada. That's the end of my top birthday wish list which can never be fulfilled entirely :) But I am someone who is super easy to buy present for. As long as you are someone who knows my style and personality, it'll not be a problem. I am a blogshopaholic, I love items that are feminine and yet stylish and cool, I love handicrafts, I love books,... Eh... I am really easy with presents :) 

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