

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week in a glance!

Hi all:D

A little quick update!

This week has been a really intensive and tiring week (you can see how pale and tired I look in the pictures) and it is also the last week with the boyfriend before he leaves for his 45-day grad trip. Well... we didn't really get to spend more time than usual with each other due to his exams revision and my crazy project mad rush. It's okay... it's okay. I mean it's not the first time that he is going away... erm.. :(

I am so glad for the little good meals and rest I have with my friends amidst the busy week, Huihui for Marche on Tuesday due to super early dismissal (on Instagram), Ichiban Sushi dinner with BFFs on Wednesday (was too busy talking and didn't take any photos) and Gen (on Instagram) during her lunch break at Toss N Turn on Wednesday. I think I got really stressed out and overwhelmed by the heavy workload this week. I haven't got so much things to do for a long time:(

Finally bought the special box at Laduree as I was early on Wed to meet Gen. A little motivation for the week :)

Not a fan of chocolates and so... bought all the other flavours except for chocolate. Super yummy and I love the Marie-Antoinette Tea the best and boyfriend loves the Strawberry Marshmallow flavor :)

Got randomly spotted by Cozycot 2 weeks ago when I was going to find Huihui at Wisma. 

Went to Au Chocolat with the boyfriend to celebrate his end of exams on Friday night after his exams and visiting my grandma :) Second time there and it never fails to surprise us :)

Mushroom bites! This is really a must get there. It's sooooo nice. 

The tired Mr. Handsome with his Mocha Pork Ribs.

The bones were so tiny and the amount of meat is huge! Haha. Unique coffee taste. 

Shellfish Fiesta for me. 

Very light seafood dressing and they were very generous with the ingredients. As usual we were too full to get any desserts. Next time, we must really just get one main and one dessert!

Housewarming at Brendan's house with Alvin's family last night! Their place is really cozy and pretty! Ideal house for the first matrimonial home. Small, cozy and modern <3

Look at our cute Ethan boy :)

Tiong Bahru Bakery with the boyfriend and his family after church this morning

Finally tried the lemon tart and wow it's so refreshing. Love it! :)

With my favourite chocolate croissant!

Okay. Time for a little rest before preparing scripts for tomorrow's and Tuesday's presentation before sending the boyfriend off tonight.

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