

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Oxford - 26 Aug 2013

After much contemplation, I decided to post this. If not there's always a gap in my travelogue:)

It's embarrassing to say this but I really feel that the photos taken on this day are just so awful. I don't take nice photos on walking tours.

The oldest building in Oxford.

Remember this place?

I still remember 5 years ago this was our designated meeting place. For the first time, we were allowed to tour this covered market in a foreign place ourselves and meet back here. It was winter and so cold. Almost all the shops were closing so we settled for pastry from this pastry shop for dinner. Can't believe that it's still here:')

Walking tour!

Cute toddler!

Balliol College

Blackwell's Bookstore. It has the largest single room devoted to book sales in all of Europe.

Radcliffe Camera

The infamous Bodleian Library! I don't know why I didn't get a nice picture of the building this time round. Looking at the photos I took makes me feel so frustrated! Gonna blame the tiring walking tour.

Clarendon Building

Sheldonian Theatre.

Hertford bridge.

The Turf Tavern. Real Ale Pub in Oxford built in the 13th century.

University Church of St. Mary the Virgin. The largest of Oxford's parish churches and the centre from which the University of Oxford grew.

Merton College

Christ Church Meadow

Christ Church College

Botanic Gardens

Very cute old uncle who smiled for my picture:)

Carfax Tower

Martyrs' Memorial


As a book fanatic, I pretty ashamed to say that I didn't plan much of Oxford before the trip. I could totally have done an literary tour or Harry Potter tour. We did a short Harry Potter tour 5 years ago by touring the important sets in Harry Potter movie that were located in Christ Church College. Hmm...

London day 4 next. The first time that I tried to tour around a city myself:)

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