

Friday, December 31, 2010

i'll just do a summary for the year 2010:D
shall publish this now, dont think i'll have e chance to do it ltr.

i was working at just from jan to july:D
made wonderful friends there:D
i was still super skinny then.
when i went back to work the starting of dec, they dont recognise meO.O

haven taken any photos with the rest:/
it was quite comfortable to work there && mr peh is such an intelligent man.
i always feel as though i have learn something new when i talked to him(:

took my results in mar and i was super shocked by it.
all As.
my god.
i still wenta work in the morn before going to sch to collect results.
felt quite left out as usual cos i reached too early and i dont knw who i should meet before going to sch and so i went alone.
i dont knw what happened in j2.
i just dont wanna make any frens and just study non-stop so i werent close to anybody there.
dont who to ask bout sch stuff at all.
so i wenta collect results on my own and after tht wenta out with bro.

this year i think i did make an effort to attend all the jc class outings and i think they are not bad:D

straight after A levels results was released, i was frantically applying for scholarship and even before the results was released i was fretting over which course to take.
went a couple of open houses on my own and some with sis.
i still took aunt kk's advice to study accountancy.
&& i decided to do more so i applied for a double degree.
went for 2 rounds of keppel scholarship interviews but didnt make it to the 3rd round.
didnt get into smu usp as well:/
but i got my smu scholarship:D
apr - june/july was all bout interviews; one after another.

i applied for 3 unis and got into double degree for all but i dont knw why, im just super attracted to smu's seminar style of teaching and i accepted that(:

wenta 4 camps before sch startsO.O
first- ftb camp
2nd- asoc camp3rd- csp camp4th- bondue campmade wonderful friends and all these camps are my source of weight gains:/

&& not forgetting my first experience of clubbing was with my bondue mates.
it wasnt a good experience bt ok. we got to hangout:D
followed by freshman bash && manymany more.
it's still less than 15 times k?
still countable with my fingers and toes. haha.
i do enjoy clubbing but i guess next year i'll club muchmuch lesser.
it's e BIG 2 alr. LAO LIAOZ.

shall not elaborate bout my weight gain but it's like the most impt thing to me from j2?
ok. shall make it quick.

shall talk about studies now.
university is really a big change from jc.
i dont knw whether it's just smu or what.
i rmb i see ppl studying at the benches and study corner during the first week of sch but i refused to go to the library then. haha.
seminar style teaching and the need to fight for a chance to speak in class really wakes me up in almost all the lessons.
accidentally bidded for a stat151 when i only need stat101?!
&& our mgmt comm prof was so strict.
i really struggled a lot for these 2 mods.
so i should be contented with my gpa now(:
i hate grpwork in the past but you cant avoid that in university:/
it's just really irritating when you have very bad grpmates.
can only pray for some nice && hardworking grpmates for next year.
but i really love FA. haha.
AS and FA are my fav mods(:

shall talk about friends now:D
all these while im very glad to have huihui with me.
we werent close at all in jc.
as i told u, i dont really talk to anybody.
maybe zhengda, jocelyn and jingyan?
but it's vvv minimal.
i didnt even hangout much with my BFFs.
it's cos we were classmates and we happened to apply for smu accountancy then we wenta all the school talks tgt, camps and bid tgt:D
when sch starts i'll always have her company for lunch, study, to htht and blogshop tgt:D
really glad to have her with me:D
i think i learnt a lot from her and i feel better bout lots of stuff.

next will be my surprise lil gift(:ziting became my really really girly && kinda very close gf(:
she is szehan's friend and i first met her at the club when we wenta club tgt.
it's funny how we met but im glad to have her with all the girly talks and everyth(:
hope things stay the same(:

&& jasmine!i knw her when we were grped tgt for fa project(:
she's angelina's ocip-mate back in nyjc.
i just felt very comfortable with her, brian and samuel.
we were so happy together that we chat more than we do work for almost all the meetings.
this is kinda bad bt we were sooooooo happy:D
gonna be in the same twc class with jasmine and samuel. && ct class with jasmine:D
she is very good in FA, always scoring almost full marks for all the quizes.
heard from angelina tht she's really hardworking.
we shall motivate each other in the coming year:D

gen!we wenta e same sec sch, the same jc and now the same uniO.O
glad to be closer to her this year:D
lets just hangout and study more tgt this year.
&& ya. not forgetting SHOPPING~

i spent much more time with my BFFs this year:D
especially weiqi.
angelina and xiting are always too busy to meet up but im always glad to have weiqi as my dinner-mate && watching movies with me(those that i think angelina and xt wont like to watch)&& flea&&club:D
hopefully i can make up for the lost times with them when i isolated myself bck in jc.

&& i made another new friend this year - ian.

haha. he shall be my club BFF=X

i always felt like he is my sec sch fren.
maybe it's cos he is yk and wq's friend.
great company at all times(:

did i miss out anyone?
i really made lots of awesome friends in 2010.
the kind that will nv leave u alone agn. haha. as i supposed? && hopefully?
as you can see from my photos, im really becoming happier the entire year.
hope things will stay the same or becomes better in the coming year:D:D:D

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