

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Seville - 7th Oct 2013

Last day in pretty Seville(':

Spent the whole morning shopping for the outfit of the day cos we ran out of clothes to wear for the last day. Our schedules are so packed (chill kinda packed) that we didn't have time to shop until our very last leg. The day was predicted to be real sunny and hot and I was only left with jeans. Wore that out and change as I buy ;)

Lunch at Don Juan again before visiting Cathedral de Sevilla. You must be wondering why are we eating pasta when we are in Spain. I guess one over week of seeing the same menu really makes us sick.

Greeted with the big Giraldillo Sculpture at Cathedral de Sevilla.

To be honest, after seeing so many cathedrals and alcazars, we were really bored so we skipped the audio tour!

Guess you all must be really bored of chapels/churches/cathedral photos! I decided to just select a few to post :)

H&M in Seville gives paper bags instead of plastic bags. I wonder why...

Guess how we take these shots:


Timer like a boss. We camwhore like this a couple of times but obviously not my camera. Haha.

Very beautiful life-like paintings.

Climbed up the tower in the cathedral to the viewpoint! There are no stairs but over 26 levels of slopes to get up the tower as it was for horses to transport things up in the past.

Chilled the rest of the afternoon away at Starbucks before making our way to Plaza de Espana for the last time. It's too beautiful to be missed.

Asking WY to take a good photo of me is always a chore:

A kind couple volunteered to help us get a photo!

Looks like that day was a good day to get some sun...

Quick dinner before catching the bus!

Seville is soooo pretty. I am so thankful for a great travel partner and a good trip blessed with mostly good weather. Andalusia is extremely beautiful and I am glad to have ample time to explore each city in detail. Guess I won't be back for a long time but I didn't miss out anything that will keep me leaving Seville with regrets.

P.S.: Will be blogging London and Paris next since I have to get a huge part of Porto pictures from WY (who has left for Amsterdam 1 week before me). Hope to finish as much as I can before leaving for Amsterdam :)

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