

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Seville - 6th Oct 2013

The main highlight of the day is to visit the Alcázar de Sevilla and chill. 

Breakfast at a cupcake cafe near our hostel. Not bad by the standard here but definitely not as good as London, Paris or even Singapore.


The carvings and motifs are so pretty. Be warned of the photo spam on the details.

Extremely crowded on Sundays and couples still choose to shoot on that day. I wonder if the people can be photoshopped away. Haha.

Spot the portraits and latin carvings below the dome.

Lunch at Don Juan! Best carbonara ever! We went back there two days in a row.

Metropol Parasol. A little esplanade in Seville.

We just sat here and played logos quiz and 4 pictures 1 word since all the shops are closed -.-

Yoghurt treats. Yoghurt shops are everywhere in Spain and Portugal!

Off to Plaza de Espana to take some night shots.

Finally made it to the locals favourite tapas place - Taberna Coloniales. The prices are so good! And the tapas are really different from what we had so far. Just be sure to leave your name on the waiting list when you walk pass it and come back again. It's quite fast for those in pairs! :)

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