

Friday, November 1, 2013

Cordoba - 5th Oct 2013

People we met along our Andalusia trip has been raving about Cordoba and I was really excited when I learnt that the muslim influence on Cathedral of Córdoba is still largely present. So... we decided to make our way there from Seville!

Crazy day trippers went on a day trip again... 

We took a train from Seville to Cordoba. I was pleasantly surprised that the railway trains are soooo new and clean. We reached Cordoba feeling a little lost as we didn't have the map loaded on our phones and there were no WIFI hotspots.

Looks so much like our HDB and spot those aircon boxes :O 

Decided to go for lunch first since the Cordoba Cathedral audio tour is definitely gonna be long and spot the disgusting fly on the WY's untidy hair

Puente Romano

Don't know where did this guy start from but it looks pretty fun.

Mezquita of Cordoba

A gypsy lady and her kids.

Super fluffy doggie we saw on our way into the Mezquita. It looks so much like a stuffed toy!

Oops. Unglam photo. The owner let me give it a pat and even threw a ball at my leg so the dog will come to me. It really feels like a stuffed toy! Super cute!

The unique feature of the Mezquita is that it's converted from a mosque and the cathedral still retains a large proportion of the old mosque. A big mismatch but it's so unique and amazing.

Hardcore tourist at work.

The muslim portion.

The cathedral.


Bimbz shot with the audio guide tool

Tea break! The cakes looks nice but it's far from that :/

View along Puente Romano

Cute little ducks :)

Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos

When we were leaving the Alcazar, we spotted a gypsy breastfeeding her baby sitting down on the grass. I really got a shock and it's so unhygienic.

Indonesian filming..

And most of the time the crews are eating chips. Haha.

Took the railway back to Seville and went to try our luck at a Tripadvisor recommended Italian Restaurant and oh boy they are soooooo good! The variety of pasta is so large. We nearly couldn't get a seat as it was a Saturday night and we didn't have a reservation. So glad to be able to fill our stomachs with awesome food :)

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