

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Seville - 4th Oct 2013

Begin touring Seville (pronounced as se-vi-ya) next day with a walking tour organised in collaboration with our hostel (Traveller's Inn Seville) :) 

All my shots are rather slipshod that day since we are moving around during the tour and walking tour is always so tiring *feeling lazy*

One word of advice, never book a hostel that is highly recommended by backpackers. Haha. Traveller's Inn Seville has such a good rating on Hostelbookers and it is totally horrible. There is only 2 toilets to be shared in a large hostel and there are a lot of mosquitoes because they actually have a fish tank in the common area. Going to wash up in the morning is a constant battle with the other occupants and our room stinks. One night it stinks so bad that I couldn't sleep. It smell of vomit. Some other nights our European roommates are scared of cold and off the air conditioner. It became so hot that we couldn't sleep. The worst hostel experience ever.

Pretty moorish buildings

Seville Cathedral, the largest cathedral in the world as recorded in the Guinness World Records and a UNESCO site. More on it on another post!

Weathervane Giraldillo

Blown-up version of the Giraldillo.

One of the most luxurious hotel in Seville - Hotel Alfonso XIII

Plaza de Espana

University of Seville (Carmen's Tobacco Factory)

University of Seville is constructed mostly out of stones as it was a tobacco factory in the past. The story of the famous opera Carmen by Georges Bizet is set in this factory. So cool!

A must-go tapas place in Seville! You need to leave your name on the waiting list and I was too hungry to wait for it. We went there for dinner another day instead :)

Poor little horses

Went to explore the placed we were introduced to during the tour.

Want to know how gypsies look like? They originated from India and are often seen in really weird dressing and mannerism. After Paris and Madrid, I can totally sense them when they are near - Gypsies Radar ;)

Beware of these gypsies ladies trying to push 'blessed rosemary' onto your hand near the Seville Cathedral. Those are simply tiny stalks of leaves from nearby bushes (they are nearly bald). They will pushed it in your face and some will grab your hand and pretend to read your fate and convince you to give them 20 euros. You'll think that this sounds stupid but we have seen people got cheated right in front of us.

Plaza del Triunfo

Look at all the flies on the sad horse :/

Paseo de Roma

There are allocated cyclist tracks all around Seville.

Photo bomber

Offensive restaurant name. Laraza actually expresses Latino's supremacism over Anglo-saxon, Asians or African racial backgrounds in America.

Hybrid dove-pigeon.

Back to Plaza de Espana

Cute donkey for kids to ride. 

This is where The Dictator was shot! Unbelievable.

Students having some PE here. Haha.

Pastamania!!! HAHA.

Sunset :)

Dinner at an Irish Bar cos we were too sick of the same tapas menu everywhere and the fried mushrooms were super good!

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