

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 1 without love

Scrapbook the entire morning for 1 page. Haha. Been working on the CNY ones since a long time ago cos they have a common theme.
Satisfied with my work:D
Need this warm up for something more!:D

Finally met up with my ftbmates:D:D We last had a gathering in Dec. They are the first few people I got to know in SMU.
David is always good at organising our gatherings. I am really grateful for that.
Nice catching up with them. Didn't take any photos cos it was kind of a short one as David got to rush back to school.
It hurts to be reminded of my results.
When my friend called me last night to help him translate some stuff, he asked me about it too.
"What about your scholarship? Your double degree?..."
Erms. I know what's going on. All of you don't have to remind me.
I know all of you meant well. It just hurts to be reminded of them. It's not as though I didn't work hard. Thinking back... I am sure I work harder than the previous semester.
I still went ahead and applied for exchange though. I know that the chance of getting it is slim. Mixed comments from everyone around me. Oh well... No harm trying.
I have thought about it.
Even if I don't get to go exchange in the same semester as love, I'll just stay in Singapore and work to pull my GPA all the way up.
It's not as though I can do anything now. I rather be schooling now actually. The holidays is too long to be reminded of my results and yet I can only sit here and wait. What can I do right now?

Ah well. I'll just enjoy the rest of my holidays and get ample of rest to recharge for next semester(:
I am so glad to have technology once again. Still get to talk a lil with love when he's in Vietnam now(:

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