

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Moodswing much? I'll lit up if I see you.

The lady isn't feeling like herself recently. I wonder what's bothering her...

Booya. Now I refused to take off my spects after movies with qi. Shall update you a lil about my life.

It's mothers' day.
Just spend a nice day out with mum:D

My family don't celebrate occasions. Maybe only Chinese New Year? We don't do anything much on birthdays, Mothers' day, Fathers' day,... Maybe we'll wish each other and oh ya... I do get presents on my birthdays okay? Haha. I forgot when's the last time I celebrated my birthday with my family. Erms. Primary school?
Yup. We are just brought up like that and it feels good enough that they remember my birthday and my mum and grandma will be happy enough when we remember to wish them Happy Birthday or Happy Mothers' Day. Don't ask why. But it has always been like that. I don't know how to explain either.

Met love for a short while at night.
I wonder how many short meetings will we have for the time to come.

Work in the day as usual and met love at night.

10.05.11, Yesterday
Met Huihui at night. 
Her convocation audition ended late so I end up loitering around Raffles City myself.
Got myself a sandwich and sat at our favourite fountain.
Huihui and I always have yoghurt there and chat our night away recently.
Was just staring into space and thinking about some stuff.
In the end I went to SOE to meet her instead.
Life has been too empty recently. So I don't know how to start a topic. 
The same daily routine, the same everyday,...
Just myself all the time.
Okay. Maybe I chose to embrace my long lost friend(solitude) for a while.
In the past, I'll just go somewhere alone. To read, to stone or whatever but will always have some friends on my phone. To text and be my twitter account. 
Now, I open up myself a lot more than in the past.
I was just reading my A levels' testimonial.
It's just seems so familiar but it's totally different now.
Of course I do feel happier now.

Recently, something just doesn't feel so right.
It's too normal that it doesn't feel right.
Don't know how to pin point what's wrong but I just feel uncomfortable.
Maybe I desire companionship much more than the past.
& now I have love, I thought that maybe I should always seek for his.
Nothing much changes. It's still like the usual. I'll meet up with Weiqi, Huihui but less of Ziting this year though.
I guess Ziting and I lost the feel for sms-chat now But of course, she'll always be there for me and I'll too(:

Is it normal?
Gah. I guess it's his exams and pmspmspms. Miserable me much.
I just want to make some noise here. Okay. I found the word so I felt better now.
Just got to convince myself that's all.
It's only normal to feel this way.

I didn't really rant to Huihui since I was just troubled. We can just talk while I figure out what's wrong with me like always. Just gonna let all the words flow out.
If you don't rant as well, I'll feel like an alien after that. EeeeeTeeee.
Haha. I'll not be bothered if I feel like I am gonna explode.

When I talk, I want people to listen and they must talk to me too. Not just about what I said of course. Tell me about what's happening in your life too. Communication is a two-way process alright.

The hot weather plus the irritating exchange worksheet worsen my mood today.
I can't take it anymore like seriously.
I kept "Grhhh... I can't find. I can't find!(The course outline for the modules)."
My grandma thought I can't find something. A THING.
So she kept asking me if I have found it the whole day-.-
Totally facepalm. DON'T TALK TO ME PLEASE(Of course I won't say that out to her).

Okay. At least I finished the main one and 0.5 of the second one and I just went out earlier for my sogurt, got tix and then meet Qi for dinner and Fast and Furious 5.
Fast and Furious 5 is damn cool!
I love the pretty cars.
The vault scene is really funny. Weiqi kept asking why didn't the vault get destroyed as it was towed along the road. It's a vault-.- Of course it has to be able to endure all these right?
I really can't stand the bunch of people sitting behind us. They kept talking, repeating the lines and laugh super loudly. 
The movie experience could have been better.
Enjoy Qi's company though:D

Angelina is off to Cambodia.
No one will Whatsapp to check if I am still alive for a while. Can't wait for her to be back on the 24th! Wilfred isn't helping her to maintain her space. LOL. I want to read her blog.

A long lost friend just Whatsapp me today.
Okay. Not long lost but kinda irritated or angry with him many months back.
It's all nonsense seriously.
No such absurd nonsense and I'll talk to you. Definitely. Yupyups.

Done with my post. Gonna bathe and finish up the second worksheet tonight.
Meant to be an oh-so-emo post but I guess my mood is slightly lighter now.

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