

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Some things that are left out

Wanted to blog about this phrase that love tweeted a few days ago but I kept forgetting.
Finding love, sharing lives.
How true.
If I haven't met him, I'll be contented with a lot of stuff I guess.
&& I'll continue to go out myself without having someone constantly asking where I am, without someone continuing probing why I am feeling down when I said there's no reason,...
I'll keep things to myself a lot more even though I blog & tweet tons of nonsense.
I love to be on my own a lot more in the past.
I gonna learn how to share my life with the one I love. To be honest, I don't really know how.
We got to share our good times and bad times with each other. Good news bad news.
The first person that comes to my mind when I have some good news is always you.
Have I started sharing? Are our lives kind of linked?

Many congrats to love and Beng for making it to Cannes for their marketing competition.
It'll mean that there will be no more Thai trip with love.
Am I disappointed?
I did thought that we can finally spend more time together.
It's too hard to come by. Now it just got a lil lesser and lesser.
I didn't dare to place high hopes on this.
It's just unbelievable.
I am disappointed. Yup. Not a lot. Just a weeeee bit. I am well trained! At least to myself. must reduce sadness to the minimum. Now it's really mild I swear. Haha.
Luckily so far, I only picture myself flying to Thai alone and meeting Angelina and Wilfred there.
Didn't dare to daydream about being with you in Thai yet cos it just doesn't sound too real.
I am happy for you. Really.

Contemplating if I should join Angelina and Wilfred at Kanchanaburi or fly to Thai with Weiqi and her family?
I haven't tell my mum yet. Think she'll be definite say no if I say I'll be alone.
Actually if I really fly there myself, maybe there will be more of this in the future. Like I'll work during the hols, save up and just fly to somewhere myself. Sounds exciting? I just thought of this. Hehs. Just me myself away in some foreign land.
Then, I'll really be lost. Really lost. How nice?
Shall do it during some holidays. Must work and save up first of course. Definitely not anytime soon but I am loving every thought of it(:
Ran out of place to be on my own in Singapore. Definitely. Must go somewhere where nobody can find me.

Okay. So here's the thing.
"Knock knock! Hello! Is Alvin in?"

He'll be away from 18 May for 16 days, then Cannes from 19 June for 7 days.
&& I'll be away for 10 days to my Pandaland(Probably be crushed like the peacock).
Suddenly my summer turns bleak.
My summer is so black and white.
(Panda trip slogan: Their world is not so black and white.)
Me no panda so mine is so opposite from theirs.

Day one of after school care today.
Being out of the office makes my mood a wee bit lighter.
More to come. But it feels funny for me to coach just a kid.
I love the colouring session. Yupyup. Guess my job is starting to brighten up a bit.

Huihui is flying tonight. Alvin is flying next week. Then Huihui comes back. Then Angelina comes back. Then Alvin comes back.
In between? Huihui is so worried so she'll be waiting for my text. Hehs. Okay. I promise not to text her until there's really something major. MAJORMAJOR. Yupyup.

Okay. What's up next? Study plan and continue to delete friends from fb.

Will be better. I can make myself better. But I don't want to get used to not having you around. I have to feel attached to you don't I? I'll make myself better.

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