

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ups and down

I wonder why blogger is down.
I am blogging on words now. Unbelievable.

Work is so much better today:D
I am in charge of the same student again:D I really really enjoy my time with her.
&& I found out something AWESOME and UNBELIEVABLE today. We have the SAME BIRTHDAY. OMG. I really thought she was joking with me and she kept insisting that she is not and she ask her mum to verify for her. Haha. So embarrassing.
Mr Peh came down to take a look at the kindergarten and after school care today.
The first thing he said when he saw me was “Where’s your horse?”
It’s the 公主 top again. I really love it but I don’t freaking look like a princess please?
But after he introduced me to the kindergarten teachers today, everyone began talking to me and they don’t believe that I am 20. Hmms. I think Mr Peh don’t know about my current results. I am not as good as before. I didn’t and I can’t live up to anybody’s expectations now. Hmms. I enjoy talking to the teachers though. And I finally get to ask why Began can speak and understand Chinese. My company has a strong Chinese culture as Mr Peh really values it. So Begam is the only non-chinese I ever see in the company. They kept asking why I am not working at the newly opened Bishan branch. I wish! But the headquarters is at Gombak. I’ll have to travel there:/

My lil student finally opened up to me today and her parents seemed very please with me too:D Hope I’ll get to be there whenever she comes. Hehs. They haven’t fixed my schedule for the after school care programme yet!
She refused to do her colouring after a while cos she said mine is so pretty and she rather look at me colour. Isn’t she sweet?

I just help her finish her koala bear and bunny:D:D I am missing her already! She really brighten up my day.
She thought I wore fake eyelashes. All the students I met at Just said the same thing. I ask her to try pulling it out. LOL. Of course she didn’t. I pulled to demo but she still don’t believe me and demanded that I pull harder-.- Of course I didn’t! She’s still soooooo sweet:D

After work it’s still back to erhem my emo world. Oh yeah. That’s my day:D:D
Can our dream to open a childcare centre really come true? My love for kids is growing beautifully. Hehs.
Study plan almost done. Will submit tomorrow!

Jasmine’s bbm to me yesterday:
“You two are so young yet have to face so many separations.”
At first I find it quite amusing but then again. Haha. Ya. Separations.
But I think I can wait. Lots of waiting. I’ll have to build up my long lost patience but I think I am still able to do that.
It also sound like we are definitely gonna grow old together. Sound a lil sweet actually but everything is too uncertain. On the verge of dreaming again but I know I’ll be pulled back to the reality right away.

I think my Chinese became more fluent recently now that I am back to Just. I have to converse in English with the students and Begam. Ultimate challenge but I am enjoying it. Haha. 华文with老师but English with my students. Hehs. FUNFUNFUN:D
I am learning to appreciate the Chinese language. Every single word is so meaningful. Every single word convey a great deal of emotions. This is something English can never do.

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