

Saturday, May 7, 2011


It's gonna be Mothers' Day tomorrow.
Shall share a lil about my mum(:
Just a lil.

My mum is a quiet and a very traditional woman.
A submissive wife too.

When she was young, she was a sickly and timid child.
She was always bullied by her peers and my youngest aunt will always stood up to protect her.
Haha. Especially during the fighting incident in the home economics room.
That's also why I have always thought that she was very brave to have moved to Malaysia and married my Dad then.
No wedding dinner. No wedding ring. Just ROM and took wedding photos.
I wonder what gave her the courage to do that.
Even when she's pregnant with us, she still help out at my Dad's shop and climb the ladder or whatever.
Dad couldn't be there when she's in labour cos he was busy with work and she always have to go to the hospital herself (to give birth to the 3 of us).
She did everything herself.
Maybe times are different now. But even during that time I think, not many women can do that.

Then my Dad fell sick and all the burden was on her then. She has to take care of my Dad and us.
I can still briefly remember how bad my Dad's temper was during that period of time.
I wonder how she coped with everything back then but I guess the situation really made her stronger.

I could never forget the day my Dad pass away.
Standing innocently at the bedside and couldn't hear a thing my Dad said and the next time I heard was my mum's cry.
Then she brought us back to Singapore. Alone.

She don't know how to handle stuff well herself even until now. She had my Dad then though she has to handle the household matters herself. She never stop trying now but worry too much most of the time that I get irritated with her sometimes. She always need my aunt's or my grandma's advice. Nevertheless, I am grateful for her and everything she did for us.
The rest... Maybe I'll just tell her tomorrow. Hehs. <3 my mum to bits.
(P.S. She's like any other mum. Naggy. Nosy. Tv-addict. Haha. But I know she cares a lot.)

My cousin posted this before on facebook. I got a shock but... It's pretty. Hehs.

Happy Mothers' Day:D:D

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