

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Work was alright yesterday.
Jennifer broke the news to me.
She's gonna leave by the end of the month. Hmms.
What she told me was quite true but she can be a tai tai luhs. Can take a break first:D:D

Met my BFFs-Xiting(away in the lil island for exams) for dinner before Angelina left for Cambodia.
Weiqi saw a lil bubble on my elbow.
I wasn't too bothered about it at first cos I had chicken pox before. What's the probability of getting it again and I believe my immunity is quite high. I never fall sick for more than a year already? I visit the hospital for follow-ups and clinics for rashes all along. I don't remember when was the last time I had fever. Not once last year? Slight cough and flu. Yeah. Slight.
Don't know why I chose to believe it after a while and was bothered about it the entire night.
I guess I just wasn't in the mood. Even the slightest thing can trigger some emotions in me.

Called my mum to whine non-stop.
Kept talking to Angelina and Weiqi about it.
Show Wilfred when he came(Weiqi and him kept asking me to squeeze it-.-)
Wake my mum and sis up to show them the tiny lil bubble despite reaching home close to 1am.
I don't want it to be chicken pox. I am supposed to meet the boy today.
Ah well...

Went to the doc's today and he say it's not. He gave me the 'what-are-you-doing-here-with-the-lil-bubble' look. He don't understand why I went to consult him when it's just 1 tiny bubble. But I want to make sure I don't have chicken pox so I can ensure my student that I am fit to teach and I can meet Alvin without passing it to any of them. They are both having exams. Doctor just say that if I am really scared, just see what will happen after 48 hours since the first one surfaced. Chicken pox don't pop out in 1s.

I didn't teach tuition.
I didn't blog in the morning but typing out that essay.
Then realised that I still can't meet him either.
I gonna admit that I am super disappointed cos I was looking forward to today.
Hate this feeling.
Just angry and disappointed with myself.
My mum don't understand why I am so bothered about it and kept nagging.

I told people I am fine cos I'll make myself better. At the end of the day, it's still me.

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