

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dozing off dozing off

Kept having fainting spells since the 30 mins nap I took yesterday. I wanted to blog about many stuff last night but I just fell asleep after listing everything I have done. Not feeling well the whole day at work today. But Reanne is too cute. Got better after playing with her at the student care. She 'perform' magic for me. && We took some polaroids while the boys are asleep. She didn't try to snatch the camera. What a good girl. But the sad thing is her cutie long hair is now so short. Not as cute as previously but still cute. Hehs. Contemplating if I should bring my DSLR to work tmr to take photos with all of them for the last time. Hmms.

Green tea jelly for the kids. Checked. Details for Panda. Checked. Panda Banner. Checked. Just bathed and scrubbed my face. Time for mask. I love My Scheming Beauty! Was frantically searching it after trying the one that Huihui bought me from Hongkong. I bought 2 whole boxes from Sasa at a much higher price than those from HK and Taiwan. Gah. No choice. I just love them. Tanya recommended me a few other alternatives to get these masks and some other Taiwan Beauty products. I can't wait to get them after I am back from all the trips. No time to try them out now too.

Talked to my mum last night as we went to sign my brother up for the tuition classes. I love it when she shared her troubles and worries with me. I hate how she is always distracted by the TV whenever we try to talk to her at home. So I always wish to catch her after work as she's on the way home. I was showing her the video I took of Reanne performing magic when I got home just now and she's saying that Reanne is cute too. Hehs.

Recently the topic of the Thai trip was being brought up quite often. Even when I am at home like yesterday night, my youngest fav aunt asked me about it again. We really talked quite a bit about issues arising from that. She's like a parent to us. She cares, she's more open minded than my mum and she'll only intervene in our matters if it's really bad. She also told me that she felt very relieved when she sees the way my bro talk to me. We were talking about the tuition class and he was showing me his really funny passport photo to be used as his NRIC's photo while I was having a good laugh at it and busy snapping it with my phone camera. She told me that she's confident that my bro will not be led astray no matter how playful he is right now. Haha. I don't know what struck her but I am always glad to be so close to my bro. I was talking to him on the phone as mum was filling in the forms at the centre last night too. 'I told you! I have absolute faith in him! No need to be so worried!' I kept telling my mum and aunt this. Hehs.

My aunt and I talked about issues revolving around friends, trips, love, ... She told me many times about how we shouldn't jump to conclusion so fast. Even if you think the person may be your friend for life, things may change as you grow up and when more things are at stakes. People will change according to changing circumstances. I heard that many times recently but I don't know. Just surprised that she was thinking about the same thing as some other friends around me. I doubt the issue is that serious as of now. I didn't think much of it as a problem until people started talking to me about it. My aunt was telling me about her mini getaways with her friends when she was young, all the hilarious events that took place when she go on trips with a large group of friends of friend whom she didn't know before the trip, her ex husband,... I am honest with her. && told her about my views on some issues(I shall not elaborate too much here. Closest friends whom are always watching this space probably heard of them or will know of them soon. Hehs.). She said that some girls will become 小女人when they have a boyfriend. They'll rely on their boyfriends to help them do every littlest thing. Their boyfriends become their everything. It's natural. It may be true in some cases but not to all girls! I wish to be one 小女人too. But I have my own dreams and of course, I'll do my own things. I don't rely on my boyfriend that much. I was telling her that I am not this kind of person. && Having a boyfriend or not didn't really change or affect my mindset much. “每次都是他做他的事,我读我的书。” Of course I do admit that I did change after I met love. But he kept saying that he don't want me to change for him. Okay. I feel a lil weird but yeah... Our lives are pretty balanced now in all aspects now whether it's friends, family or studies. In the past, 'boyfriend' will be my everything and I'll literally die without my 'boyfriend' but people do change... We are all students now and we have to make our priorities right from time to time. I know I have to control my emotions well. My aunt looks quite taken aback. She'll never expect that coming from me.

Communication really plays an important part rather than trying to be mysterious and let the boyfriend guess. We always voice out our opinions of each other or towards certain issues. Maybe lesser on my part but I am learning fine.  Oh wait, why am I mentioning him here? Missing him like mad while he's away for NBS camp now. Gah. I wanted so much to tell him that when he called an hour ago but I am bad with words && bad at expressing myself in front of him. Sometimes I feel that maybe someday he'll think that I don't care about him as much as he does to me and leave me? Will work on that. But I will always find enough things to fuss over whenever he is away. Yup. Mei Wei. Focus!

Gonna decide on what to wear for work tomorrow and pack my bag. Goodnight peeps:D Can't wait to taste my student's blueberry jelly. He promised to make it for me.

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