

Sunday, January 15, 2012

100 things I love about you

As requested by the boyfriend ever since I told him about Magenta's blog post.

100 things I love about my boyfriend, Alvin Wee Wei Jun and us...
  1. I love how you see so much potential in me when I am losing faith in myself. I am someone with really low self esteem.
  2. I love how you always place me before yourself. Always concerning more about my welfare than yours especially when we go on trips.
  3. I love the honest and straightforward you. You will never hide anything from me and you will always voice your unhappiness when you don't like something.
  4. I love how I know I can always trust you and discuss anything with you.
  5. I love how you help me dry my hair. Honestly, I don't know how to dry my own hair and always left it dripping wet after I shower. Just like now. Haha.
  6. I love that you are a 'human heater'. You 'radiates' a lot more heat than other people. Just hugging you or even holding on to your arms keeps me warm. I don't even need a cardigan when I watch a movie with you.
  7. I love how you don't make unnecessary promises. You know how I value promises so you don't usually make promises to me unless you are certain that you are going to fulfill them.
  8. I love how you always ask me to look to the future and look at the big picture. You know how little faith I have in relationships and you taught me how to trust again. I can see you in my future.
  9. I love that you kiss me on the forehead when you send me home.
  10. I love how much you love to smell my hair. Haha. Maybe I should send you a bottle of my shampoo.
  11. I love how you value our relationship and try to integrate me into your family. I enjoy all the times spent with your family. In fact, I do regard them as my family too. Aunty Mollie and Uncle Max have been very kind to me.
  12. I love that you introduce me to your friends and bring me to all your gatherings and don't mind going out with my besties too. Your friends are really friendly.
  13. I love how you are so eager to meet my family and enjoys all the food my grandma cooks^^
  14. I love the way you drive. It's always so smooth even though you drive pretty fast and keep shouting at people in the car. 
  15. I love how you hug me to sleep.
  16. I love your warm hugs.
  17. I love how you always let me win in our blanket-snatching game when you are half awake.
  18. I love how you always call me sweetie and baby without giving me goosebumps
  19. I love how you coach me in my school work
  20. I love studying with you
  21. I love how each of us are so focused and are still able to concentrate in our revisions when we study together.
  22. I love how you always bring me to foodie outings, either with your friends or just 2 of us. I was never interested in food. I was too obsessed about calories and eating only healthy food.
  23. I love how you hug Mousey to sleep in your half conscious state. Haha. So cute.
  24. I love how you can make all the funny insect and animal noises even though it gets irritating at times but that appeals so much to little kids. Haha. Funny uncle.
  25. I love that you love kids too.
  26. I love how both of us are so easy to read even though this means that it's hard for both of us to surprise each other.
  27. I love how I can have you to wipe away my tears when I am sad.
  28. I love how you always imagine what our marriage life will be like. Haha. How I can pick our kids up after their enrichment classes if I know how to drive, how many kids are we going to have, how is our future home going to be like,... Keke. This isn't just a girl's daydream.
  29. I love how much you love to camwhore too. Even though I am always very reluctant to let you take photographs of me.
  30. I love how you are so cooperative to go for photoshoots with me. I am waiting for more after you get back.
  31. I love how you piggyback me even though I am so long and heavy. Like a giraffe. Haha.
  32. I love how you used to make breakfast for me.
  33. I love how you make milo for me when I complain that I am hungry when we are studying in the afternoons. You are so serious in making that cup of milo. Haha. This is probably the first time that I see someone so particular about how much milo powder to put to ensure that taste is just nice.
  34. I love that you are willing to watch chic flicks movies with me.
  35. I love that you are willing to eat yoghurt with me. Still remember our first official date -The Yoghurt Date^^
  36. I love that we have the same dance teacher when we were in secondary school.
  37. I love that you are so into DJ-ing now. You probably succeed in shifting my taste towards electronic music rather than R&B. && I am so lazy to go to club now unless there's an awesome DJ in town.
  38. I love that you always cut ur hair so short. The therapeutic feeling of your tiny spikey hair. Anyway, short hair still suits you best.
  39. I love that you always hold my hand with our fingers crossed.
  40. I love how you still say that I am beautiful even at my worst.
  41. I love how you are an avid reader of my blog.
  42. I love that you have big dreams and always striving to do something big. You are ambitious but you make sure you work towards achieving them. I have never dared to go out of my comfort zone. You kind of motivate me.
  43. I love how you keep an album of our photos together. All our best photos printed out.
  44. I love how you keep a photo of us in your wallet.
  45. I love that you love softtoys. Weird but it's cute that you talk to your soft toys.
  46. I love how serious you treat our relationship. You only started saying 'I love you' after you are sure of us. You make sure that the day you ask me to be your girlfriend be the most memorable day of my life so far.
  47. I love how practical you are. Even though I am the dreamy type of girl and it makes me a lil disappointed sometimes. Haha. But it's a good thing to have someone realistic in a relationship. You taught me a lot of important lessons in life. I change a lot after I met you.
  48. I love that you love pink too.
  49. I love how you always offered to go shopping with me. I appreciate it but I enjoy shopping secretly so that you can always see me in something different. Haha.
  50. I love how we started out as friends and how our relationship slowly developed till now. Developing a liking for each other and getting into a relationship is 2 different things. This is probably why you are my first ever serious boyfriend.
  51. I love how you always dream about me and us. The funniest one was probably dreaming about blueberries on my head after I baked you blueberry muffins as a pre-valentine's gift.
  52. I love how you always share your weird dreams with me.
  53. I love that when we first go out on dates, you always initiate another date. You are really different.
  54. I love that you know how to fly a kite. I flew my very first ENORMOUS kite with you!
  55. I love how give excuses to come to my school like studying with your friends or just to hang out with your friends before your school starts knowing that I'll be in school. Keke. I truly believed that you just happen to be in my school then. Haha.
  56. I love how you can tolerate the funny sound my stomach makes. I can't tolerate hunger. Okay. That's may be due to my gastric problems and low blood sugar levels.
  57. I love how hot you look when you wear contact lens and dress up properly for our important dates.
  58. I love that you give me roses. 2 so far. 1 on valentine's day last year, 1 on our 2nd monthsary. I still keep them^^
  59. I love how you can always make me laugh when I am angry/sad.
  60. I love how you dare to meet huihui after we officially got together. Huihui is like a parent of mine and ask you so many questions about how sure you are about us and what did you see in me. Both of you are kind of alike in some ways. Haha.
  61. I love how you pamper me. You always put food onto my plate and satisfy all my cravings.
  62. I love how you frown when you eat something that's too sweet, too hot or too cold^^
  63. I love you hugging me from behind.
  64. I love your smell.
  65. I love that you bring me on trips. Our lil getaways.
  66. I love the necklace you bought me before you left for backpacking in China and Vietnam. I wear it everyday from then.
  67. I love that you still think of me now whenever you see something that I like.
  68. I love how you still make time to FaceTime me on your exchange.
  69. I love that you set a photo of us as your display picture.
  70. I love that you a very organised and responsible person. You know what you are doing and make sure you don't miss out anything on trips, in studies and every other areas.
  71. I love how much you trust in me and show me your true feelings and self that you often hide from people.
  72. I love all the childish moments we have.
  73. I love your creativity. You always have all sorts of weird ideas.
  74. I love how you always pat my head randomly.
  75. I love how you will save my camwhore photos on my blog && the random 20 things about myself post.
  76. I love how you always make time for me despite all your commitments.
  77. I love how you wake up at 4/5am and pick me up at the airport after my panda trip. You are such a sleepyhead and you can still sacrifice your sleep for me.
  78. I love how you still spam me with sms and don't mind me sms-ing you when I was in China cos you missed me so much. The thrifty you will never want me to sms you when I am overseas but you were so different when you are in SG and I am the one overseas instead. Haha. When you are overseas and I am in SG, that's usually a different story. Can you feel me now?
  79. I love how you always relate to us when I mention how sweet a particular couple is. That thing is, I am not trying to hint anything. I am always just making random comments but he'll always say,"So you think that our r/s is not as sweet as theirs?" 
  80. I love how you always bring me to try new things. Like my first Luge experience, my first xlb, my first ride on the motorcycle,...
  81. I love how you always share your joy with me even though it'll be publicly announced on the social media soon after. Don't really like how much you are a social media freak. I thought I was bad enough.
  82. I love how you always come to see me or send me home from Boonlay when it's sooooo far away from my house.
  83. I love how you always make sure there's no taugay in my food.
  84. I love how you make me feel so confident about us that I want to start planning our future now... Wedding, getting a HDB, kids,... Haha. Okay. Too much information.
  85. I love how you are always so understanding when I have super bad moodswing at that time of the month.
  86. I love how much you always try to help me in my school stuff like asking your friends to bid for classes with me when we are from different universities.
  87. I love your self confidence.
  88. I love how you can accept who I am despite my flaws and past of being anorexic,...
  89. I love how we are integrated into each others lives. Even though you are not around, I can still talk to your family and my friends as though you are still around.
  90. I love how we are so comfortable with each other now.
  91. I love all the cooking sessions we have. I miss cooking with you. Come back and cook with me soon.
  92. I love how thrifty you can get and it sort of influence me too.
  93. I love how cheesy you can get sometimes by giving me flying kisses and ask why I didn't catch them. HAHA.
  94. I love how you much you value your family and try not to make them worry by messaging them at least once per day when you are away for exchange.
  95. I love that you are a good listener and let me rabble non stop whenever I get the chance to talk to you nowadays.
  96. I love how knowledgeable and street smart you are.
  97. I love how the sight of you just makes me happy.
  98. I love how you accompany me to the toilet when I feel so scared after watching Law and Order SVU.
  99. I love how helpful you are towards everyone around you.
  100. I love how much you try to reassure me that everything will be alright when you are away for exchange by telling me about the female friends you are living with and everything even though I'll still get jealous but I really appreciate it.

I love you, ALVIN WEE WEI JUN enough to spend 4 hours to write this. I love you, baby<3

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