

Monday, January 16, 2012

There are some things that I don't like and I can never change that...

Something random:

Girl's friends: "OMG. You are so lucky to be with him. He's such a nice guy!"
Girl: (Faint awkward smile)
In fact, the girl feel insecure when she's with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is nice to everyone around him and she don't feel special at all. She wonder where she stood in his heart and decided to leave him in the end.

Just about somebody I heard of recently. How true. Haha. I was probably part of the "OMG. He's sooo nice" group. But the girlfriend felt differently. I guess sometimes it's not a good idea to be with someone who is too nice and gentleman-ly towards every girl around him.

Had an awesome weekend with the boyfriend's family. His grandma is looking good:) && I ended up shopping too. Keke. Wanna be all debt free first before all the shopping spree begins. When is my card bills arriving? Can't wait to online shop and send everything to love's address slowly and Aunty Mollie and Uncle Max will bring them back to me when they visit him in March^^

FaceTime a lil with love on Sat before going his grandma's house^^

Sunday he FaceTime me to show me his apartment. I don't know what's up with my expression but I always anyhow take screenshots.

 Scuffie is with love now. Hope he still remains white when he comes back!

I totally don't share love's joy when he told me how awesome his apartment is. Hmms. I guess when you go on an exchange, you can't exactly be picky. I guess if it's clean and it comes with a proper room for max 2 people, a kitchen, a clean toilet, a fridge and wifi, it will be good enough for me. Haha. Sorry if I totally can't feel the excitement of having a Jacuzzi in the toilet when he has to share 1 toilet with 4 girls. That's so bad.

Huihui's really cute penguin. I really didn't know the small penguin on Huihui's brother's head is a headband. I thought she bought another penguin. LOL.

Euros is dropping like crazy. Really wonder who will bail Greece out and turn the situation around. If not, I wonder how fast will the eurozone disband. Hold your horses people. Don't change your Euros so early. It'll definitely continue to drop.

I started the day really bad cos I couldn't get to sleep last night. As a sensitive freak, I hate 1-word replies. Was upset over I-don't-know-what.  Maybe I should stop asking questions when I know you are busy but I still ask. I think I upset myself. Someone called me an impatient girl already cos he knew I can't wait for the boyfriend to come back earlier. I wonder why I can promise to wait for someone for 2 years in secondary school when someone was sentenced into boys' home(which was totally stupid and unnecessary) and yet I can't endure a 5-month exchange now. But of course when it comes to boys' home, it's a situation that can't be change and the someone won't get to meet any girls anyway. It's an entire different ground to compare with. I hate being impatient but I have been less and less patient from J2 onwards. You know how do I train my own patience in primary school? I will draw dots on the A4 whiteboard under my desk in school and make sure I filled the entire whiteboard with the tinest dot possible. Ya. I really grew to be really patient and don't mind waiting for friends who are always late and I was always too early. I guess some things just change when you grow older. But today is really a bad day. Just when I thought that I was wrong, I nearly spilled my whole cup of coffee on my white t-shirt this morning in school. In the end my white top is only stained with a few tiny drops of coffee and the rest were on the table and my thighs. LOL. Should I be thankful for this? Don't like to be someone who is overly sensitive but I guess I just couldn't keep my cool like before when someone is so far away. Haha. I hate myself now. I need to move on. I need to stop irritating Huihui when I don't know what to do. I need to focus and study more even though lessons for some modules are barely starting. I often procrastinate when it comes to meetups. I know I have to talk to people to feel better but I refused to get out of my comfort zone sometimes. This is irritating myself so much. I have become so indecisive that I hate myself too. Sighs. Shall take a lil break now before starting on my work. At least I stop sleeping with my iPad on my bed with my alert switched to the loudest volume. I talk to Mousey last night about how unhappy I was, hoping to fall asleep but I can't sleep. I cried but I can't sleep too. Just grateful that I can survive 2 lessons without falling asleep.

I knew I am not in the luck today and we nearly got the topic that nobody wants during Marketing. So glad that the situation turned around and we got the topic that we wanted. MPW was okay. I don't like lessons with so many activities. But it's not too bad today.

Reminder to self: Continue to count your blessings and be glad to be alive in this world.

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