

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I am gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house...

오 빠~
너를 그리워요

Hello people! Gonna update this lil space before I fall asleep.

My life is pretty much mundane nowadays. Nothing much to look forward after school. Nothing to look forward to during the weekends. My mind is pretty much at rest the minute prof says,"that's all for today." Maybe that split second I'll think of where to go but I'll mostly head home if I want to talk to love. That's about it. In the past, everyday I'll think of when to meet the boyfriend, where to meet, what to do, what to eat, if the boyfriend's busy or what is the boyfriend doing at the moment...  I can no longer think of all these. Hmm. A 5-day school week reminds me of secondary school and jc days. I think I'll prefer jc/sec sch days. Oh well, at least now I have 1 agenda everyday... That is to prepare for next day's lesson or start on assignments early. Soon my time will be fully consumed by projects and all these feelings will go away.

Ethics project team is formed too! So surprised that Marcus and Raina bidded for the same class as me! So happy to be able to group together with them. It's such a surprise that they are a couple too:P They have the couple face. Haha. Both of them looks so alike with small eyes and fair skin. So cute and compatible together. I was asking Huihui if she will feel weird if she were to attend lessons with her boyfriend but she said that there'll actually be a nice feeling if you do. Ah well, I have never experienced that. All my ex-es are never in the same class as me(non of them are really serious so I doubt they never would). && now, the boyfriend is from a total different university from me. I'll never have that experience unless I go NTU for exchange(if I am really that desperate towards the end of year 3). Keke.

Tax lesson is really tedious and you really have to participate continuously the whole 3 hours(with 15 minutes break) but I enjoyed it! Now I am really motivated to do well for tax. Haha.

Wake up this morning with such a surprise(Only took this screenshot much later)...

He was telling me this yesterday morning(Spain time) as he was cooking pasta for breakfast? I thought he was high on carbo and said that. Apparently he has been thinking about what he said. Haha:P

How I wish he is really with me.

Boyfriend used to be so serious about making milo for me with the right amount of milo powder in the past during all the afternoons that we studied together. It always turn out to be 'milo dinosaurs'. LOL. Now I gonna make milo myself. Actually I seldom have milo for breakfast now. Strawberry milk>milo.

Went home straight after lesson and FaceTime the boyfriend^^ Didnt get to talk to him yesterday and Huihui FaceTime me instead. HAHA.

Finally with God's grace, 2 of the 3 missing postcards arrived! Hopefully the postman didn't lose the last one!

So far the situation over in Spain is that the boy is going to rent an apartment with 4 girls. LOL. This just sounds so weird. 2 SMU seniors and 2 other random girls:O Anyway, boyfriend's parents are going to visit him on the 1st of Mar! It's such an excellent arrangement. They will be travelling with him for 2 weekends too. How nice^^ They can come back with some news and updates about the boyfriend to me and the beautiful photos too. Feels excited for them too(:

Aww. 忘词is playing on my iTunes now. Boyfriend, do you remember that?

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