

Friday, February 17, 2012


Hello people!

I am so insanely busy recently that I really wanna cry. I am waiting for another project meeting now. This is going to last till tomorrow morning? But I am going to leave school before midnight I guess. I can't do the overnight thing on a Friday. I have back to back tuition tomorrow morning till early afternoon. I still have to prepare for tomorrow's tuition tonight or probably the am.

Just had the worst tax class ever cos I was so tired that I was literally sleeping throughout the class but still managed to answer some of prof's question when his ringing voice called my name. This is how bad. I haven't been sleeping much for 2 weeks rushing marketing and mpw. I wonder when is this going to end. I have BTT e-trial test next thurs late afternoon(this means I need to shift my tuition slot) and FIIM test on Tues. Both mpw and marketing project cum report will be submitted by Mon. This also means that my weekend is burnt. No sleep. AGAIN:'( The actually BTT is on Monday night. Next next Monday:O No time for it for the time being.

Anw, my Valentine's day ended pretty awesome. All the photos are in my iPad so I'll upload again next time. I wish the boyfriend is here but he did make effort to still make the day special for me. I really appreciate that.

Okay. Abrupt stop. Needa run to meeting now. Seriously in need of a social life. BADLY. #foreveralone

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