

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Baby bro

Just went out with bro!<3

This photo is so deceiving. He is much better looking then that. He just couldn't pose properly for the photo-.-

He kept mentioning london telephone booth cos the boyfriend gave him that. Initially boyfriend wanted to give him something more interesting but not so appropriate under the watchful eyes of my mum. I love how bro is so at ease when he is out with me. He is always gentle and keep a look out for me, respect me and everything. Aww. Even though he is at the rebellious stage, I know he is still my baby bro^^

I love him so so so much. I dote on him a lot since young. I am so glad that we are still so close now:)

Had company lunch  @Delicious at Scott Square. It's sort of a western/peranakan place.

Calamari as starters. I love how the batter is evenly spread on the squid.

My not so impressive steak. Kyne said that the garlie mesh was made from powder:O But all of us thought it was pretty good.

My short latte. There was short and long latte on the menu. I was glad that I chose the short latte cos it was just nice. The long latte is too much imo.

I chatted so much with all the fellow interns yesterday. I usually only talk to Kyne and go to lunch on my own. I am too excitable for them to handle I guess. Haha. I rather enjoy some moment of peace on my own during the precious 1 hour lunch break^^

Love and I went to Toby's Estate 2 Saturdays ago. I read quite a few blogs writing about that and decided to try it out! The ambience is great. The coffee is nice. It's really a good place to chill and just read a book. I will definitely go back again. I suggested cafe hopping every 2 weeks to the boyfriend. Hopefully we can go Antoinette next! Tomorrow!

Comfortable and stylish at its best. I love my Rayban and my A&F hoodie!

Latte as usual. But I would pretty much go to black coffee nowadays.

Le happy us.

My English breakfast.

Le boyfriend's egg benedict!

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