

Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to school!

Hello guys! Sorry for the long hiatus! I was kinda taking a long break from blogging, twitter and my online store. It just get kinda tiring after some time. Now all I do with my Macbook is to online shop and read blogs (Oh. This reminds me of the horror when I open my closet this morning. It's bursting with clothes. Literally bursting. And all are new clothes. Mostly unworn-.- && I still worry about what to wear everyday.) ?  School has started but it seems to be really hard to get myself back again. 3 more semester of anxiety and hell before graduation. No more internships for me and also no more accounting modules after this semester. So life's gonna get better in year 4. Hopefully our overseas exchange application get through and it'll really be honeymooney year 4. Can't wait for that! 

As you know, I started a blogshop. Haha. Sounds like a joke but I did. We just had our first outdoor shoot. && now I really prefer indoor shoot>outdoor. Haha. The hot sun, the pain of finding a toilet. Grh. But the photos turn out to be really vibrant and nice without any edits. Yay. In case you don't know, we have recently shifted to our own domain! Show some support!:DD WWW.SHENNASHANNON.COM

School has started with the best timetable I can ever have - 3 hours of lesson, 4 days a week. I can have the whole afternoon to myself resting then prepare for lesson tomorrow! It's only the second week so far and I am feeling too chill. It's week 9 for the rest of the SMU peep and the atmosphere in school seems pretty tense but I am like not in that mood. It feel really weird. Samuel said that modified term is really long and draggy. Hopefully I won't feel that way. Most of my closer friends in SMU are doing modified term or are overseas having exchange. So even if my exams end only in June, I won't feel too sad? The boyfriend is going on his 42 days Europe grad trip too. He will be away when I am having my exams, which is really good cos I can have the whole quiet room to myself doing my revision. Unlike last sem-___- He was super distracting last sem cos all he did was to watch videos and laugh during finals. 

Alvin was really busy for the past few weeks so we didn't get to go out. Everyday I am just browsing Facebook and Instagram swooning over the sweet dating photos of my friends. Sad life. BUT! It's the boyfriend's recess week now! So hopefully we can have some fun this week^^

Me in my first maxi skirt (or at least the first that I actually wear it out).

We went to Nook's last Saturday. One of the rare days that the boyfriend wants to drive out to explore new places. The portion was too much for us. For girls, I'll think the portion is enough for 4. For guys probably 3? The price for one set of the DIY pancakes with 2 flavours is $28 before GST and service charge which is a little steep for 2 people I feel. For 4, it'll be just nice. It's really fun but half way through it became a little too overwhelming and sweet. So glad that we ordered additional sautéed mushrooms, if not I'll put down my fork even earlier. The batter is really nice though!

Watched Lincoln after that. The movie is surprisingly good. It lasted 2.5 hrs but it's not draggy. For someone like me who knows almost nothing about American history, it's easy enough to understand. It gave me an overview of the civil war and the issue of slavery. Many parts of the movie reminds me of the situation Singapore is in now. People in the US were afraid of what will comes if slavery were to be abolished and all the slaves were given the same right as them. They don't know what will happen if that happens and all humans are afraid of the unknown. This is largely similar to how we are afraid of the effects of the white paper. We are afraid that the foreigners will take our jobs, that they will be given the same right as us, that their culture and ours clashes, ... Ah well. All in all it's one of the nicest movies I have watched recently.

Yesterday we went to take the famous Shiok Maki from Koh Grill & Sushi Bar which is made famous lately by Ladyironchef's review. We had to try it after seeing so many people posting the photos of the sushi on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook! However, we were pretty disappointed by the extremely bad service by the waitresses. Initially, we were asked to go to this table with 4 seats when there were only 2 of us. Then, when we were about to seat down, one waitress (her name is Wendy by the way) shouted at us and say that 2 people cannot sit at a table meant for 4 people and rudely pointed us to another table and walk away. She's super rude! They did not provide us with the dining set and plates too and we had to take from another table ourselves. We tried the Shiok Maki, the soft shell crab sushi and the fried udon. The food is really nice but the portion is too large. How can they serve the sushi in eights?! I rather they serve in twos so we can try a larger variety. I'll prefer Itacho to this for the portion. Diminishing utility with each additional sushi consumed. At least for me. Haha. I think I'll only come back here if I am with a bigger group of friends. Oh, and when we were about to leave, there were no cashier at the counter. It's like we can just walk out anytime we want. We wanted sooooo long for the waitress to SEE that we are waiting by the cashier to make our payment. I waved like a mad woman trying to get their attention-_____-

This year's Valentine's Day was a simple affair. I was sick so we didn't really celebrate much on the actual day. No fancy dinner and stuff but it's good enough:) This is our 3rd Valentine's Day together. Last year he was away for exchange but at least he set me a bouquet of roses and we had a really long Facetime chat. Hehe.

He bought Pandora for me on the day after Valentine's Day. Can't wait to fill it up with a special charm with every city I travelled to in Europe. *Fingers cross* So far the only major city I have been to is London.

CNY 2013 is slightly better this year cos the boyfriend is back! Hehe. && baby Ethan is always cute and smart.

Family ootd.
I am like the shortest in the family now. I know we had to walk quite a bit so I didn't wear heels. My sis ' and my height are just 0.5-1cm apart (she's shorter btw) and she wore heels. Even when she don't her body shape just makes her look taller than me T.T

First day ootd.

Second day ootd. Dress from Shenna Shannon

We ended our CNY last week with the legendary Yu Sheng once again! Bf's uncle makes the best and most beautiful yusheng. && He's not a chef!

Just something random. I kinda miss working.

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