

Friday, September 27, 2013

Glasgow to Edinburgh - 21 to 22 Aug 2013

Finally! We touched down the land where you see more seagulls than pigeons and crows in the late afternoon of the 21st. Oh, and there, the gloomy sky.

Our airbnb was pretty far from the city centre and we had a hard time dragging our luggages up the steep slopes where the airbnb is situated. By the time we are settled down and head back to the city centre, it's dinner time! Spotted The Royal Scott as promoted by Tripadvisor :)

Weiqi's really juicy burger.

I ordered a beef pie! Somehow Scotland is really famous for pie!

We spent our night exploring the town and... Primark. Haha. There's nothing much to do in Glasgow. It was merely a base for us to travel out to Edinburgh and the Scottish Highlands. But I was really surprised at how multiracial the place is. It's such a beautiful small town and yet, a financial hub. Totally love the feeling I get over there. People are pretty nice, quaint little town and efficient transport system (too efficient. They sometimes leave 15 mins before the designated time).

Next day we woke up early and make our way to Edinburgh! Our host is really nice and bought us fruits, milk and orange juice for us to bring along:) It was raining really really fine rain when we get there and it was sooooo freaking cold.

Had a piping hot breakfast in a random cafe.

In UK in general, its more expensive to eat in than takeaway.

It was so foggy and cold. We pretty much can't see anything.

Oh! And it's back to right hand drive in UK. Hehe.

A man in traditional kilt.

The famous Scott Monument!

It's soooo foggy and gross so we decided to anyhow jump in front of a arts museum. Haha.

On our way to Edinburgh Castle.

I didn't have time to go to the scotch whiskey museum.. We sort of split up as they do not want to enter the castle so I had like 2 over hours to tour the castle myself before meeting for lunch. No luck for the Scotch Whiskey Experience.

And tada... after paying so much to get in, this is the sad paranomic view I have of Edinburgh :(

This is the famous One O'Clock Gun of Edinburgh. Apparently, it is fired everyday exactly at 1300 (except Sunday) allowing citizens and visitors to check their clocks/ watches. But I didn't hear anything when I was there. I don't know if they still fire it or just that the sound of the rain muffled the sound?

This is another gun.

Still foggy :(

A really humble chapel but it is the oldest surviving building in Edinburgh.

Scottish National War Memorial

The Great Hall

This part of the exhibit is located at a dark basement. It's pretty creepy.

But of course, it's nothing like the concentration camp. The prisoners of war even steal some materials or used what ever they can find in the cell to make handicrafts for sale out of the prison.

Woohoo... The fog begin to clear later in the afternoon.

Took a nice clear picture of the castle before rushing to meet WQ & JY:)

Back to the streets.

Love that the whole city is so Harry Potter-ish. Apparently J.K. Rowling wrote one of her books in a cafe here.


I ordered Bangers & Mash cos the boyfriend say he had some nice ones in Edinburgh before.

After lunch, it's time to find the Arthur's Seat!

Which was covered in fog:'(

It was so bad so we didn't try to trek up there. The fog comes and go. So we probably won't get to see anything at all up there.

Wrote postcards at the foot of the mountain instead.

Post until so 不甘愿 cos there's pretty nothing much to write about my experience in Edinburgh. It's soooo incomplete because of the fog :( I only wrote to the boyfriend. I sent a combined Scotland one to my mum and boyfriend's parents. 

Scottish Highlands next!

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