

Friday, July 29, 2011

Phu Quoc. Island paradise. Day 3.

We were trying our luck and secretly still hoping that God will bless us with a good weather today. We made our way to the Bai Sao Beach early in the morning. The ride there was horrendous again. It’s so so so bumpy and Bai Sao is so so so far away from the town. We should count our blessings too in that there’s no more tar shooting up from the road. Our fuel was running low when we still had ¼ of journey left to Bai Sao. We had to refill it at some shophouses which charged us at 30,000 VND for ¼ tank(It just takes 50,000VND to refill the entire tank.).

We stopped by a deserted Pearl Farm on the way. There's really nobody at all. The toilet sign is hilarious!

We took hours to get there again and Alvin nearly crashed into a huge truck. That was so scary. The muddy road was reallyreally hard to ride. The motorcycle slipped and Alvin has got cuts on his feet. I was alright. But it’s so scary. Luckily he was unhurt. All he did then was to keep checking if I got hurt.

Bai Sao beach is really really beautiful. A white sandy beach with sand as fine and as soft as powder. The waves were calm. All the other beaches we visited have real choppy waves. The weather was great when we got there and the sun stop hiding behind the clouds after our breakfast. Great time spent at the beach. I fell asleep and that’s how I got so badly sunburnt now.


Lunch after lazing at the beach:D

 Look at how burnt I am! Still conscientiously picking out beansprouts from my Pho. Love Pho:D:D


We travelled back to our resort after lunch and a stopover at the buddy icecream for some icecream. Hehs. The buddy icecream cafe is a really nice place. We just stopped our bike at the roadside and have some icecream at the doorstep of the cafe. Don't know why it just reminds me so much of the 简单爱(:

Washed up and we were prepared to go for night squiding:D We met an Australian guy when we got back to the resort. He told us that he followed us to the Bai Sao beach in the morning on his bike. OMG. This sound so weird. He stalked us! Haha. He’s really friendly and we chatted a bit with him before we left for night squiding. Did I mentioned before? I have motion sickness so I swallowed a motion sickness pill before we left the resort. Bumpy roads again. We stopped over at the pearl farm then a longggggg way to our final destination. The night squiding is gonna set off from Bai Sao beach-.- Notice the irony. But it’s a beautiful place. Don’t mind going there again but we had such a difficult journey back to the resort! Should have just stayed around the beach:X

We met Charlie during this sunset tour. He is a real talkative 19 years old Londoner. I nearly forgot that I have been to UK before. It was the end of J1? But I guess everything changes from then. My life went into becoming… Not a life anymore. I live a liveless being. Haha. My mind was totally into studies and dieting the whole of J2. I think of nothing else. So I always don’t remember my age then. My life stopped for a year plus so I guess I forgot about the trip as well. I am awesome just like that. LOL. Relieved some moments from UK. I enjoy listening to him talking to Alvin or just anybody. He took a year's break after A levels to travel before school starts. How awesome is that? Few or maybe none of the Singaporeans get to do this.

Most of the girls stopped trying after throwing the bait into the water after a while. I was so so so hungry on board the boat. I am extremely scared of boats, ferries, ships or whatever that’s travelling on the sea. I get seasick real fast and I kept thinking that the ships/ferries/boats will sink. How are we going to swim back? Okay. && I still clenched my jaw and followed them to the upper deck. I just try to make myself feel safe by trusting that love will take care of me no matter what. The effect of the motion sickness pill did kicked in after a while and I felt drowsy/giddy on the boat. I totally slept after dinner and on our way back to town.

The minibus stopped at some pearl farm on the way.


We had supper with Charlie at the night market and that marks the end of Day 3 && probably the end of our trip. Nostalgic much.

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