

Monday, May 21, 2012

It still feels like a dream

The boy is back! It actually felt like he has never left. I kept having this weird feeling. It feels like the old times but yet so much has changed. Before you start going on and on and on about how short the 5 months is, think again... from which perspective are you looking at... If I am the one on exchange, I'll find that 5 months is short but when I am the one staying behind, I'll think that 5 months is more than enough to break a relationship.

The surprise for le boyfriend went really successful with the help of his parents. They are so cute. Kept helping me to keep a lookout for a blindspot and constantly coming back to check the spot where I was hiding. Haha. Cutest parents ever. And tada, I surprised him as the 'running fangirl'. LOL. It's a strange feeling but I am pretty sure it was tears of joy that I shed in a long time.

The past few days really felt like a dream. I'll stop and think once in a while what's different. I was too used to hearing his voice on Facetime and seeing his face on the screen. I got to admit that the boy did change a lil for the better, our relationship has grown stronger, we are comfortable with each other like never before, we are more daring to speak up our mind, we learn and grow with our countless arguments(healthy ones),...

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